Draft Deliverables

A variety of diverse and helpful deliverables will be developed as part of the 2025 NDSASP and NDAEIS. Draft deliverables will be uploaded to this page for stakeholder review and comment. Once final, the updated deliverables will be posted to this page, and it will indicate that the version is final. These include:

Technical Report

Includes numerous chapters documenting the study process, study analyses, and findings. Individual draft and final chapters within the Technical Report will be posted as they are available. The Technical Report is a great resource for detailed information on the 2025 NDSASP and NDAEIS.

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary will be roughly 16-pages and developed to be eye-catching and easy to understand. This deliverable is intended to be distributed to a wide range of aviation and non-aviation audiences and summarizes the process, analyses, and findings of the 2025 NDSASP and NDAEIS.

Fact Sheet

The fact sheet is an even more condensed version of the Executive Summary and will be developed as a double-sided 8.5x11 one-page sheet, with the front page highlighting the NDSASP and the back page covering the NDAEIS. The fact sheet will be a great flyer or handout during events and will be developed for a wide range of aviation and non-aviation audiences. 

Individual Airport Reports

An individual airport report will be developed for 65 of the study airports, as identified by NDAC. These reports will be developed in an 11x17 format and feature current instrument flight rules (IFR) flight maps, highlight airport information gathered from the NDSASP, and present the economic impact findings of the individual airport, as documented in the NDAEIS.

Story Maps

There will be up to eight individual story maps developed for the 2025 NDSASP that focus on specific topics, such as an airport infrastructure analysis, general aviation activity levels, air cargo information, and more. Story Maps are a web-based deliverable that present information in an engaging manner and visually details how the North Dakota aviation system has changed over time.