Project Overview

The 2025 North Dakota State Aviation System Plan (NDSASP) is an update to the 2014 NDSASP. The study is used by the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission (NDAC) as a guide for future decision making. The study will identify system needs and changes since the last study and will provide recommendations to preserve and enhance the state’s 89 public-use airports.

The project will begin by establishing the 2025 NDSASP framework, which includes setting the goals and metrics that will drive the project forward. With goals and metrics established, a comprehensive system inventory task will occur, which includes a data collection effort that will involve direct coordination with airports. With a complete dataset established, airport classifications will be reviewed, activity forecasts will be developed, and the aviation system performance will be analyzed. Following the system performance task, issues and industry advancements will be evaluated, and recommendation and cost estimates will be established. Following all project tasks, the final deliverables will be submitted to the Commission and used to make informed decisions about North Dakota’s aviation system over the long-term planning horizon. As shown in the Project Process graphic below, a comprehensive stakeholder involvement effort will occur throughout the project. In addition, the 2025 North Dakota Aviation Economic Impact Study (2025 NDAEIS) will be developed in concurrence with the 2025 NDSASP. 

Project Process Graphic

Project Goals

The 2025 NDSASP Framework includes six goals that were established in coordination with NDAC and identified by reviewing the 2014 NDSASP and other relevant planning documentation, like North Dakota’s Long-Range Transportation Plan. A brief description of the 2025 NDSASP goals are presented here.   

Safety and Security

Safety and Security

Maintain a safe and secure aviation system by promoting land use compatibility and preserving airport operations in the communities they serve.

System Coverage​

System Coverage​

Promote commercial and general aviation airport system coverage and improve accessibility to enhance statewide transportation.

Air Access​

Air Access​

Provide air access across the state and help airports meet the needs of aeronautical users, such as on-site weather reporting, navigational aids, fuel, and more.  

Enhance Quality of Life​

Enhance Quality of Life​

Leverage the state’s aviation system to enhance quality of life by promoting both economic and social benefits.

Preserve Airport Infrastructure

Preserve Airport Infrastructure

Preserve infrastructure by identifying airport facility and planning needs, funding, and land use compatibility measures in place to allow both airports and communities the ability to grow and flourish.

Education and Industry Advancement

Education and Industry Advancement

Support aviation education and industry advancement by evaluating flight training at airports, airport community involvement, and other programs that continue to promote the state’s aviation workforce development.